
----- Photography: A Man's World? -----

My relationship with Facebook is and always will be a hate and love one. I hate it for its generous ways of abusing my time, giving me absolutely nothing beneficial in return but a lot of infinite clicking onto the links of my friends of friends of friends; I can't even retrace my steps. However I praise Facebook for organizing my news on current events, affairs, and keeping me constantly updated on my interests and field. I have Social FOMO: Fear of Missing Out (refer to prior post on infographics). Anyway, where was I going with this whole rambling shambling? Right, I was lead to Photojojo (again, read previous post) by reading somone's post on FB about a women's photography magazine:

The link shares the opinion of a writer who tackles the gender issue in the publication Pix that caters to women photographers, treated as different creatures, operating dissimilar characteristics than of men who use DSLR. Everything is "girl-ified" noted in one of the reader's comment. From how to decorate your studio office with DIY tips to how to prevent mascara running behind the lens are just some of the many topics discussed.

I'm conflicted; the vibe I received is very People's Style Watch issue and I actually enjoyed some of it —that's the problem, it's not a style magazine. There is enough struggle trying to eradicate traditional thinking of gender specified careers like mechanics are for men, hairstyling is for women. Even though I am curious to know how to prevent my mascara from smudging  (because it is annoying!), and why are camera bags so ugly, the article writer does ridicule the matters. Certain subjects are utterly disconnected from photography like choosing the right colour nail polish to suggesting the brands of flat shoes to wear on a shooting run. Any normal person with minimal experience in photography should know which type of shoes to wear.

 I'm fashion conscious as well, still I know I need my comfortable shoes for a photography adventure. The magazine carries a handful of demeaning topics that does not commend nor strengthen women as photographers. Most topics are encouraging women's stereotypes of being prissy, weak, and fussy.

decorative lenses decals

More of a lifestyle magazine than a photography one, I see the kind of platform the founders of Pix is building on. Pix is for the 'girly' photographers, equally talented and equally fashionable, who cannot seat themselves in the 'male dominated' field/hobby and among the abundance of photography magazines. They are the type who want all their interests catered and fitted onto the same pages. The ones who cannot sacrifice style for function; they constantly want to be satisfied.

 For me, I would prefer to read more about professional female photographers, why there are so less of them or struggles to make it big, their portfolios, current news, types of lens, tricks and tips, photography related gadgets.

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