
----- Tasty Camera Gadgets -----

I accidentally wondered on to this website Photojojo gradually realizing during my peruse that I've been there before—there are so many great items! The store also corroborates the reasons I should step into the future with the iPhone and not the Galaxy. Like look at these gadgets for iPhone:

A shutter remote operated by your iPhone.

Lens Mount for an iPhone—WTF!

Sure, as much as you and I want to doubt it honest functionality, these products do sound sick to believe. What if they do work wonderfully and without a glitch? I shall hold my breath till I die.

Practical and useful items I would like to buy:

A lens cap holder on your camera strap. I don't know how many times I have come close to lose mine and how disgusting it gets when I dump it into my back pocket of my jeans, I spare you the "sweaty" details.

Camera strap with tiny pocket to hold battery or film

Silly things I want to buy:

AHHH! Why didn't I think of this idea?! Photoshop window magnets. BRILLIANT. Genius. So fun.

DSLR USB keys....

The Camera Folder bag for your camera, silly-poo.

Zumi Digital: I actually own one but in film format which the film is obsolete. so i'm left with a plastic object, eating dust in my room. Damn you digital technology, film lovers rejoice!

This pretty much wraps up this post. What does it say about me when I want more silly items?

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