
----- Amelia Earhart Was A Shooting Star -----
Amelia Earhart's 115th Birthday on Google.

I have a strong attachment to this historic figure. Once as a kid, my elementary school teacher covered Amelia and we had to research and present a newspaper headline with image and a short text. I recall loving her and finding her to be a "really really cool" female icon. Most memorable is during the parent-teacher interview, the teacher pointed out my visual creativity and complimenting my creative headline, "Amelia Earhart Becomes A Shooting Star". Now I don't remember if there was a reason behind the headline or it was a simply straight-forward accident (maybe I liked shooting stars), but if I had to return to the past as myself with my B.A in Bullsh*t, I would say in my 11 year old voice,

"Amelia flew with a goal and became an overnight star, giving all young women a reason to hope and to be inspired. With great despair, she vanished like a shooting star: bright, beautiful but never forgotten".

A+! No? Alright... though I must say, due to this one comment from my teacher, it gave me, my young self, the pride and support for my creativity. It shows how giving compliments and critiques to young children where it should can make a lifelong impact.

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