
----- Age -----

Since I can remember, I'm obsessed at the science of aging and the psychology of aging. The characteristics and flaws that come with each number adds emotional pressure, which is unique to each of one of us. I recall, and my mom corroborates, being a young child and constantly counting our ages into the future (if my old sister is 30, I'd be 20 or if I'm 25, my youngest cousin will be 16). Being a curious person, I always imagined what that age would feel like. So when I watched this 4 minute video of a single person who's aging process was created by animators and special computer effects, it puts me at the spot again, imagining how I will look 20 years from now. This video artwork gravitates your attention and holds it, it is so subtle but astonishing, exactly what aging does. Sometimes you forget what you use to look like or maybe you only remember looking the same way for a long time until someone points out an old picture and realizing the subtle changes.

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