
 ----- Happy Blurg-Day -----

As another year of my life comes near to an end and a new one about to begin, it's hard to resist from reflecting over the years of that path; things I didn't do; things I did—of course dwelling mostly on the things I didn't do. Instead of looking forward, I'm looking backward, simply saying. Why is that? My siblings once said to me when I was younger, once you hit twenty-five, the speed picks up and goes a lot faster. To me, it sounds like the peak of the roller coaster ride where the only way down is, down. I could not agree more. Days and weeks go by faster. So the ride isn't as exciting. I'm hoping aging and maturity aren't exclusive to being wiser. I want them to be about gaining the self-confidence to not care anymore; to not be self-critical and negative anymore; to be comfortable in their own skin. Make the most out of the remaining time left of the ride without wasting it on the insecurities, like constantly complaining about the ride. It's easier to criticize than it is to live it up and play it up; learn to make it un-boring. Then when the ride comes to a stop, as I get up from the seat, the only thing marked on my face is a smile—and really tangled and messy hair—not a frown and disappointment in sight. That's all I wish for.

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