
Destroy Desk Culture by Steve Price

The word ‘desk’ comes from the 14th century Latin ‘desca’, meaning a table to write on. Medieval illustrations show the first pieces of furniture designed and constructed for reading and writing. Desks fill a practical purpose and have been given a physiological one, but they are not where creativity originates. In fact, they can be where it dies.

We need to reassess the workplace in general. In the creative industry you’ll see many variations of the ‘studio’. It was once a place where drawing boards, cutting boards, scalpels and maybe even typesets and pica rulers lay strewn in between old coffee cups and drawings, with more drawings, sketches and posters covering the walls. Most of this has been replaced by iMacs, white IKEA desks and walls adorned with a range of the latest screenprints. Or they might even be barren. You don’t want to ruin the look.

continue reading at http://www.computerarts.co.uk/features/destroy-desk-culture

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