
----- Vent -----
Dear  Certain Customers of Today,

Firstly, I very much appreciate that you chose our resto to eat and we are happy with your decision. However, may I add this while I'm at it, I am not happy with your immature eye rolling and annoyed attitude that only accompanies a seven year old; perhaps you are incapable of speaking beyond the intellect of a seven year old, which is the only way to explain your inexcusable behaviour. If you spoke in full, complete sentences that included pronouns, verbs and nouns, I would have been able to serve you normally. Speaking in only nouns or only verbs does not mean a thing to me, so please don't make me feel like I'm wasting your time because I kept asking further questions; please don't make me feel like I'm making a hassle out of your shopping day when all I'm trying to do is get your order right; please don't make feel like I'm an complete idiot when all I received from you was, "Noodle. No. Rice. Noodle? No, Other!"

Have a Nice Day.

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