
"It sometimes seems there are two kinds of graphic designers in the world. One kind sees each project as an opportunity for self-expression, producing a body of work that bears an unmistakable mark, that is more alike than different, that is more about the maker than the message. At its best, the output of this kind of designer is personal and passionate; at worst, it's repetitive and self-indulgent, the mark of the attention-seeking diva.

The other kind of designer attends first to the client, to the message, and to the audience. This graphic designer's role is to be neutral and invisible, an efficient conduit between broadcaster and receiver. The best of this kind of work is devastatingly effective; the worst is anonymous and forgettable, the product of the kind of hack who gives design a bad name."

Michael Beirut of Pentagram, Victore or, Who Died and Made you Boss?

I love receiving new books in the mail. I love turning the untouched pages. The smell. The feeling of paper. The stock. The excitement it brings. The unveiling adventures, page after page. Being gentle so not to fold the corners or bend the paper. The delight of hard-copy vs digital. Sorry trees.

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