
----- When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time? -----

I think that's the first time I posted a title that long.
Coolhunter posted an inspiring, short article with wise words.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

When did you actually do what your first impulse, or that nagging, persistent feeling is asking you to do?

It is easier to stay where you are, do what you know about, be safe, not push. Take the same route, order the same meal, hang out with the same people, do the same job.

But if you do not constantly test your boundaries, you will never find out what you are capable of.

If you always go over where the bar is the lowest, you will never know how high you can jump.

We say: Jump now!

NOW is the absolutely most perfect time to try those new things, to explore new cities, to taste new foods, to start a business, to write a book, to enter a marathon, to go skinny dipping, to start playing squash, to start a blog, to give that dinner party, to propose.

Now is the time to find out what you are here to do. How much can you do? What can you achieve?. How much fun can you have? How much can you give?

Now is the ideal time to experience your life. To LIVE your life. We all know this is not a rehearsal, yet we live as if it were.

And we are not talking about pushing so that you’d be approved by others. Or achieve their goals or what they think you should be achieving. Or pushing beyond your healthy or safe limits.

But we are talking about using all of your talents, skills and abilities now. Because now is all any one of us has. And because that is why we are on this earth. To live our own lives fully.

And when we do, we will find millions of new reasons to be grateful. We will find hundreds of ways to give more. We will find out how wonderful life is.

Because now is all any one of us has.

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