
----- Hello World -----

Excuse my recent abundance of absences and rather dull entries when I did blog. Blogging is like anything important in life; you need commitment, passion and energy to keep up with updates and keeping audience engaged. What have I been up to? Stabbing my brain, anticipating creative juices pouring out for me to quench my designs ideas (oh and Pinterest is what happened too). So far, all I received were really painful jabs and daydreams. After a client approved then disapproved a design, it naturally came to me, the creative block. I get them in intervals; every month or every week. Depends on how kind my mind wants to treat me.  Ideas aren't mathematics where numbers are presented to you to solve; creativity doesn't have a recipe to follow; design doesn't have formulas. Like writing, it really is based on self-motivation and self-creating; taking our surroundings into the research and discovery. 

Often when someone asks when I'm free or why I'm always busy, my answer is different each time; there is no schedule for creativity. We can spend countless hours researching, sketching, brainstorming, prototyping and creating mock-ups to only realize the best idea came at the last minute of a deadline or during a morning shower. For me, the best way to unclog the pipes is I read design magazines; I read about designers and their work, best are their interviews answering questions such as, "What motivates/inspires you? what is your work process". The answers provides me insights and methods to unlock the ideas. Just with that, I did end up continuing with the aforementioned client's work (currently anticipating her approval).  If all fails, coffee. Drink it, love it, hug it—never fails.

Here's some pictures of my life:

business cards i designed

salad with ingredients from my friend's store l'autre choix

made steak for dinner; best companions are potatoes and green beans.

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