
-----  Boxy Nature -----

A Brazilian advertising agency Ageisobar developed an interesting direction for a campaign, advertising natural fruit nectar. By proving to consumers the nectar is 100% real fruit, they experimented a technique that has already been developed by the Japanese years ago: squared fruits. Taken two years to complete, they constructed a juice-box shaped mold which they fused with the fruit plant and regulated their development. Meant to cheekily resemble juice-boxes of the brand they are advertising, the technique and approach are interesting and cool, but realistically it's kind of creepy. At first I thought it was Photoshopped or a 3D renderingI never took interest in Japanese squared watermelons because the matter of messing with nature doesn't digest well for me. While innovating it is troubling; opens doors for future companies to take interests in manipulating natural farming of fruits and vegetables for the sake of brand identity (then again, manipulation of food production is nothing new). Imagine if all our fruits were grown with a logo implanted in the flesh. Creeeeeeepy.

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