
----- Just a Thought -----

As I'm sorting and organizing my digital closet—folders and files on both computer and external hard drives—I realized, since we are insidiously moving into the digital home, have we become digital hoarders? In 50/100 years, I imagine paper shifting into extinction, the inclination to keep everything is much much more facilitated and irresistible because we won't physically feel the junk in our space anymore, like the feeling of spending invisible cash with a credit card; it can get dangerous. So is it not worse, digitally? My USB keys and external hard drives are filling up, and I am convincing myself that I do not need to purchase more space—I need to search and destroy. Stress and paranoia overcomes me as I sort out my files and as I back them up, because I lose track of the ones that are updated and the ones not. I end up on an endless loop ride meticulously searching for flaws: double-checking for twin files, folder is missing its proper files or lost files that could not find their homes. It's a job of its own! There must be a documented disease on the paranoia of a losing hard drive space because I have it. Whenever I see an XX number of GB gone, I transform into Monica Gellar (of Friends) and start cleaning out files.

So, long story short, I backed up all external devices a few minutes ago, and I am already sensing that I may have deleted some files or saved over files with old files, which in the very near future I will be slapping my forehead because I cannot find XX file since I deleted it . OH BOY I AM A MESS. A LONELY MESS.

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