
----- Holy thesearenotphotographsbutpaintings Batman—I'm turned on! -----

In my early years of studying fine arts, I really loved—and still do—photorealism. My favorite artist in this field is Chuck Close. His large scaled canvases, built up of tiny circles, are transformed into grandiose masterpieces, usually of self-portraits and other portraits. Photorealism attempts at trompe d'oeil and photographic reproductions. The skills and qualities required to achieve such effect must come from a different universe in a different lifetime in different human existence—you get my gist. It's breathtaking and mind-boggling due to the realistic details and intricate execution. I remember watching a documentary on him, and to watch him paint was out of this world; it puts any lazy, uncommitted, whiny punk to shame.
I digress.

JKB Fletcher is an artist that is wowing me today. He uses unique subjects/topics: blows my mind. Look at his superhero series. You can practically see the pores extruding from her skin. The depth of field appears so real. Sigh.
For more (highly suggested):

Chuck Close

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