
----- Keep Calm and Say What? -----

I guess I really have been living under rock because it's been confirmed by these posters that has gone viral for sometime. "Keep Calm and Carry On", the message passed on from King George VI, were hand painted war posters of the British Ministry of Information during WWII when they were attempting to encourage its citizens to keep their heads up during history's most tremendous suffering. As the war ended, these posters were rolled up and stored away, mostly disposed, except for two copies. It was not until a store keeper found them, and from there, it blew up into a mass produced phenomenon. See them on mugs, towels, notepads, thermos, paper bags; anything you can think of; milking as much as it can lasts. Nostalgia is often the perfect formula to draw attention, and money. This classic typographic design has unfortunately become clichéd. Overused and ubiquitous to the point it is mocking itself. Parodies are drawn up everywhere. I decided to join the bandwagon and made a parody of my own.


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